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WorldFlight 2023

November 7, 2023 05:30z - November 7, 2023 12:00z

Winnipeg International Airport (CYWG)    Winnipeg International Airport (CYWG)

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Start Time

November 7, 2023 05:30z

End Time

November 7, 2023 12:00z

Departure Airport

  • Winnipeg International Airport
  • CYWG

Arrival Airport

  • Winnipeg International Airport
  • CYWG

The Winnipeg FIR welcomes the participants of WorldFlight to CYWG on November 7th 2023.

Arrivals start at 0545z, and departures out of CYWG start at 0630z. We have no official end time, but there is no expectation to be on for hours on end, the end time shown is a placeholder and not official. 

Signups are open, come control!