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Western Stampede Fly-In

July 24, 2022 23:00z - July 25, 2022 03:00z

Winnipeg International Airport (CYWG)    Calgary International Airport (CYYC)


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Start Time

July 24, 2022 23:00z

End Time

July 25, 2022 03:00z

Departure Airport

  • Winnipeg International Airport
  • CYWG

Arrival Airport

  • Calgary International Airport
  • CYYC

To the west is the Vancouver FIR, to the east is the Winnipeg FIR, and in the middle is the Crown Jewel, the Edmonton FIR. Who can drive their wagons around the barrels (erm, I mean, waypoints) the fastest? July 24 between 0000z and 0400z, fly out of; CYVR, CYLW, CYQR, or CYWG, and stomp on over to CYYC just in time for the Calgary Stampede, The greatest outdoor show on earth! Yeehaw!